About this guitar course
It's available in three formats:
1. PDF and audio - the best for learning as you can hear the music and see the notation and tab as well.
2. Audio only. Stereo mp3s of each track with the band on the right and the harmonica on the left - change the balance to suit you.
3. PDF only. Tab and conventional notation throughout.
Each lesson is recorded at different speeds - learn at your own pace.
Download the material and enjoy these guitar lessons!
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60 Riffs in the style of great blues/rock guitarists.A play-along course for intermediate/advanced guitar players.
Hello and welcome to my first book of guitar riffs in the style of the great blues/rock guitarists. Not an easy subject to dive into without the sense of drowning! There are so many guitar players and every guitarist you meet has their own favourites.
As I was trying to decide which players to include my list kept getting longer and longer so it was a bit like pointing at a map with my eyes closed and just going for it. The guitar players I’ve chosen for this first volume have been with me most of my life and their music has played a great part in my listening. Their influence is huge and not just on guitar players. Rather than go into the life of each player I think the riffs and the tracks that influenced them should be the main focus of this book.
I’ve included a brief discography of each guitarist at the end of this introduction. Wikipedia is becoming such a source of information that I would recommend the reader seek out the biographical material available there plus the information on the original band websites.
This CD/book is not really for beginners and some of the technique is quite demanding. My aim has been to capture the essence of each player in my original riff and provide new duo material for you to work with. The playalong track can be used by you alone or in a duo or class situation.
My initial aim was to just give material for lead players but I soon realized that the rhythm part is just as important. Also there is much that can be learned from studying the rhythm style of these guitarists. Do check out the original album tracks and use the riffs to develop your own individual style.
Paul Lennon